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Class Styles

New to yoga or not sure which style is best suited to you?  Here you will find descriptions of each class.   Our ethos is that we have something for everyone.   As a summary guide: 


Ashtanga and flow are more dynamic forms of yoga, so great if your looking for a strong physical practice, especially Ashtanga.

The hatha yoga classes move at a slower pace.  


Class levels:


Beginners - beginners level.


Level 1 - beginners or those looking for a slow/moderately paced class

Level 2 - been coming regularly for at least 6 months and ready for more of a challenge 

All levels - open level class, pace and postures will be modified to suit all levels


All of the beginners level classes are suitable for beginners, but, if you are an absolute beginner and are not sure check out our beginners guide on our home page.


Another option is to buy a 5 or 10 class ticket and try them all out (at the correct level). You will find the class or combination of classes that suits you.  Attending one class per week is beneficial, but true transformation comes by attending more regularly.


Ashtanga Vinyasa style yoga is the most dynamic style of yoga. 

Developed by Sri T. Krishnamacharya and passed to his pupil the late Sri K Pattabhi Jois, the practice focuses on posture (asana), breathing (vinyasa) and focus (dristhi or gaze point). The practice moves through a systematic sequence of postures, co-ordinating breath with movement and forming a moving meditation that helps to purify the body, nervous system and mind.

Regular practice builds up strength, especially core and upper body, builds stamina, improves posture, cleanses the body of toxins, improves circulation, and lets the energy (prana) run efficiently throughout the body. The regular deep breathing required for the practice, calms the mind and the nervous system. The focus required lets us forget the mental chatter we all suffer from, leaving the practitioner feeling relaxed, focused, energised and quite simply, great.

The practice is suitable for everyone who is healthy and fancies a bit of a challenge and postures can be modified to suit all levels of flexibility.

Ashtanga Yoga is personally practiced by nearly all of the teachers at Yoga Jo's.

For more information on Ashtanga visit:

Which type of ashtanga class?

All those wishing to practice Ashtanga are asked to complete the Introduction to Yoga course, in fact we recommend this for everyone coming to the studio..  This consists of a 3.5 hour course held every couple of months on the first Sunday of the month.  It must be pre booked.  This fun and informative course is for beginners to yoga or those who would like to deepen their understanding of the Eight limbs of yoga (Ashtanga) . Jo will give the background knowledge necessary to give the practitioner a good understanding of the fundamentals of the practice. You will also be given modifications of postures to allow you to personalise your own yoga practice. Once you have completed the course you will be ready to join in the Mysore style and Led/Counted classes with confidence.  If you absolutely cannot attend on a Sunday morning please let us know, we will run other courses throughout the year, but they will not be as regular.  If you wish to start classes and there is not an Introduction course running for a month or so, please attend the beginners led class whilst waiting for the next course.

 The Introduction to Yoga course can be booked online under workshops.

Ashtanga Mysore style / self practice class - all levels

Traditionally, yoga has been passed from teacher to student on a one to one basis, where the student is guided through the postures appropriate to the individual, thus building the student’s self practice over time. This method of teaching is still used today in Mysore, India where Sri K Pattabhi Jois taught and now his daughter and grandson carry on this teaching.

In a Mysore style class, students practice the sequence of postures as taught to them by their teacher at their own pace. When the student needs guidance, the teacher assists them. Unlike a guided class where everyone does the same posture at the same time, in a Mysore style class everyone does the same sequence, just at their own pace.  As the teacher is not leading the class, each student gets the individual attention they need to develop their practice. Practice with dedication and an open mind and transformation will happen.

Ashtanga Led Classes

In this style of class the students are guided through the sequence of postures by the teacher - everyone practises the same postures at the same time.   We have a class on a Wednesday at 11.15 am and we recommend if you are a beginner you attend this class for at least 6 weeks before joining the Mysore (self practice) classes with Jo at 9.30 am on Tuesdays, Wednesday's and Fridays.

Yoga Flow

Yoga Flow is when asana are put into a rythmic sequence or 'flow' of positions one after the other and is typically done to music.

Seasonal Yoga flow  - this class targets particular energy channels and organs of the body relevant to the season we are in, based upon the energy of that season, for example in Winter we would concentrate on the back of the body, stretching into the hamstrings and working into the spine to target the energy channels of the kidney and the bladder, in Summer we would concentrate more on cardiovascular fitness by targeting the heart energy channels.  Typically the flow will change from week to week but will focus on certain asana suitable for that season for a number of weeks. Seasonal flow is suitable for everyone who is healthy and postures can be modified to suit all levels of flexibility.


Soul FlowA flowing yoga class focusing inwards, connecting with what your body needs right in that moment. We build intensity throughout the class combining breath and movement and guided relaxation to nourish mind,body and soul.



Dynamic Yoga Flow - This is a dynamic class combining posture with fluid movement and the rhythm of the breath to deliver a powerful, flowing, energetic style of practice.  Dynamic Hatha helps build strength, improve flexibility, calm the mind and aid wellbeing.



Hatha Yoga - all levels

Hatha Yoga - This class is a great class for absolute beginners and for the more experienced practitioner looking for a slower paced class.  It can also be used as a class to complement the ashtanga and flow classes as we will spend time holding the asana for longer, in turn developing our strength and understanding of the alignment and breath control required for each posture.  When you are used to a fast paced class sometimes the slower paced one presents different challenges. This is a good place to increase your understanding of the fundamental asana, to build strength, increase flexibility and learn breath control. As well as the asana practice we will practice breathing techniques to induce relaxation and finish with guided meditation

Gentle Hatha Yoga​ - A gentle Hatha yoga class suitable for all levels.  Wonderfully relaxing and particularly suitable for those looking for a slower paced class.  Leave class feeling thoroughly stretched and chilled out!

Restorative and Yoga Nidra - all levels

This is a highly therapeutic Restorative and Yoga Nidra class.

Restorative Yoga is a very therapeutic style of yoga, all about passive stretching and slowing down. Holding stretches for a long time can bring the body into a state of deep relaxation. It is therefore suitable for all practitioners, a perfect antidote to those who are feeling a bit stressed and anxious, or a very complimentary practice to those who love very active practice.

Yoga Nidra - known as yogic sleep—is a conscious relaxation practice that is intended to bring the practitioner into a state of physical, mental, and emotional relaxation.  In this class we will be doing a ful version to reap the benefits, some of which studies have shown to be

• Ease insomnia
• Decrease anxiety
• Alleviate stress
• Reduce PTSD, chronic pain and chemical dependency
• Heighten awareness and focus
• Transform negative habits, behaviours and ways of thinking
• Foster feelings of peace, calm, and clarity

Class is deliberately timetabled at this time in order that it aids those who attend to float home and have a great nights sleep. So I am very excited to invite you all, absolute beginners, seasoned practitioners and those in need of some real self care to come along and seriously chill out. Who doesn’t need that?


Yin Yoga - all levels


In Yin Yoga we explore holding the poses for typically between 3 and 5 minutes, to give us the chance to really meet the pose and work towards unearthing some of the deeper aspects of the practice. Yin Yoga is perfect for people who have been practicing a dynamic and physical (yang) style of yoga, as It can bring balance and wholeness to an active practice.To this extent, it is also very useful for people with a busy lifestyle, as Yin Yoga gives us the space to really slow down.Mostly the Yin postures are all seated, so it is a great style for people looking to begin meditation.As Bernie Clarke, the author of Yin Yoga says, "Yin is truly in"!All levels welcome.


Power Yoga


A power yoga class suitable for all.  Ideal for men and athletes in particular who sometimes think a yoga class is not for them as they are not flexible enough (not true).  This class will focus on strength work and improving flexibility in the whole body as well as focusing the mind.  The class will finish with guided relaxation to help destress.



Kids Yoga

All kids classes run as block bookings, running to school term times, with no classes on school holidays. The blocks can be booked online under 'workshops'.

Kids Yoga helps kids to:

Develop a stronger sense of self esteem.

Be more mindful and respectful of others.

Appreciate “quiet times” and “time out”.

Have a greater sense of physical awareness.

Develop well-balanced health of body and mind.

Prepare for teenage years ahead.

Develop a keen interest in healthy living.

Improve concentration through breathing exercises.

Strengthen the abdominal muscles and balance energy levels.

Support the immune, respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems.

Strengthen the core and back muscles.

Posture work also helps tone the body, maintain joint mobility and good posture.

Practicing yoga maintains a child’s natural flexibility, which can diminish through prolonged hours sitting at the school desk.

Teen Yoga

Benefits of Teen Yoga (13+)

Throughout adolescence, when the body is still growing, stress injuries and aches and pains are common, hence the importance of maintaining flexibility.

Yoga helps to keep the body and mind healthy, despite everyday stresses.

Yoga assists in balancing out mood swings and eliminating body aches, resulting from the hormonal imbalances experienced as the body matures.

Yoga is useful in easing the tension of tight muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Yoga helps to strengthen the bones.

Certain poses alleviate menstrual cramps, and others work internally on clearing energy blocks that many cause headaches, irritability or digestive problems.

Yoga helps to strengthen core muscles and improve flexibility to enhance sports performance and prevent injuries.

Most of all, it's fun!


Pre/Postnatal Yoga



Pre-Natal Yoga - Sunday's at 6 - 7.15 pm

The prenatal yoga class is suitable for all women from 13 weeks of pregnancy onwards. This class will help you to prepare your body and mind for pregnancy and labour and provide a dedicated space to nurture yourself and connect with your baby. Adapted asanas (postures), and pranayama  (breathing  techniques) will encourage the release of tension, open the body, cultivate breath awareness and build confidence in preparation for birth.

The pregnancy classes are part of our drop in timetable, so you don't have to worry about paying for a block booking you might not be able to make all the dates on.   You can pay either by buying a single class or a class pass.  Just remember not to buy a 10 class pass if you are close to your due date.

Booking is recommended but you can just turn up and drop-in:  

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